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Volunteer Agreement

Our club is run entirely by volunteers, so we need your help to make it work! Every pair of hands & set of eyes ensures we can continue to provide a quality & safe service to our members & the wider community.

As a member you have agreed to become a valued volunteer.

All members, both new and existing, are requested to consider how you might be able to contribute to making our club even better during the course of this season. No experience in surf lifesaving is required – Volunteers are vital – Patrol members, Nipper program assistance, delivery of programs & social planning, surf sports, admin & behind the scenes running of the club.

Please approach a program leader to discuss how you are able to assist.

Club Uniform

At ALSC we wear our club colours with pride. Black! Yellow! White!


All uniforms must be purchased via the online secure website Shop. Collection times will be advised once processed. We are happy to exchange at the time of collection if sizing is incorrect.


Minimum uniform requirements for Nippers - ALSC scull cap - ALSC Hi Vis rash vest - A bucket style hat.


An optional Hi Vis swim singlet may be purchased for water activities.

Download TeamApp

ALSC Club uses TeamApp to communicate up-to-the-minute information.


All members need to download the app, select ALSC & request access to member access groups of interest. & up to minute information during the season. TeamApp is available in the App Store or on Google Play. Go to: for more info – Select Find My Team

Proficiency Swim

Every Nipper from Under 8 to Under 13 age groups are required to have a Swim Proficiency Declaration signed off before participating in the Nippers program. Information will be communicated via TeamApp prior to commencement of the Nipper program.

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